Top tier Google Visibility Achieved for Sealaska Heritage INSTITUTE via New Site Development
Successfully executed various multimedia projects, including videography/editing for short and full-length videos, live-streaming events, and web development. Created a new Shopify site and a new WordPress site, while launching the first phase of SEO efforts. Achieved Top 5% Google rankings for 300+ search keywords/phrases. Established Google and Microsoft Clarity Analytics to track performance, resulting in significant improvements within a short period of time: over 100,000 page views, 50,000+ users (34,000+ from Google), and 30,000+ user engagements. Successfully reduced “user rage” issues to just 0.17%. Accomplished approximately one year’s worth of work in 4-6 months.
Before I was hired to work with Sealaska Heritage Institute, their internet presence was suffering for a variety of reasons (literally “zero” Google Search visibility). I was promptly entrusted with resolving 4+ years of previous issues as well as developing/redesigning two new sites for SHI (the main site,, and the Shopify site, For Sealaska Heritage's main site, I had to collect and condense over a half-dozen subdomains into one sub-directory structure, reducing literally 1000s of pages to a manageable handful, as well as create downloadable resource libraries, multimedia (all of the site's videos), and so on.
Though I personally developed the entire site myself, there were areas that required collaboration with other departments - here is a short list:
New Celebration Area:
New Resident Artist Area:
New Downloadable Documents Library:
And etc..
Though the second phase of my work was not initiated (advanced SEO tactics such as metas/server tweaks), the first phase of SEO work, which primarily focused on "on page SEO" E.E.A.T Strategies (consolidating content, titles, H tags, content structures, URL slugs, etc.), as well as the renaming of hundreds of resources, produced Top Tier results in a matter of days and weeks. The results that I was able to generate for Sealaska Heritage Institute through local, State and Regional SEO are exceptional, when taking into consideration that SHI had zero previous presence (before to employing me) to today's successful achievement of achieving the Google Search Engine's Top 5%.
The following is a “short-list” of the Top Tier Results that are all on Google PAGE ONE that I have achieved for Sealaska Heritage as well as for its Shopify Store (Copy and Paste into Google Search to See Results). My SEO Strategy was to make the main SHI site easily visible for the target audiences e.g., teachers, students, school boards, state education departments, federal funders, as well as making the Shopify site easily accessible for tourists and anyone looking for Alaskan Native Arts to buy via retail:
Alaska celebration
Donate to Southeast Alaska Cultural Programs
Donate to Southeast Alaska Language Programs
Donate to Southeast Alaska Natives
Sealaska Heritage
Seaslaska Heritage Institute
Tlingit language programs
Tlingit learning programs
Tsimshian cultural classes
Tsimshian educational classes
Tsimshian language curriculum
Tsimshian language programs
Tsimshian learning classes
Tsimshian learning programs
alaska middle school teaching resources
alaska native languages for primary schools
alaskan high school literature
alaskan middle schools math
alaskan native celebration
alaskan native claims educational materials
educational materials for alaskan high school teachers
educational materials for alaskan middle school teachers
educational materials for alaskan middle schools
educational resources for alaskan middle schools
geometry resources for alaskan high schools
heritage celebration
juneau ak celebration
juneau alaska celebration
juneau celebration
language materials for alaskan high schools
language materials for alaskan middle schools
language resources for alaskan elementary schools
language resources for alaskan high schools
language resources for alaskan middle schools
math resources for alaskan middle schools
resources for alaskan high middle teachers
resources for alaskan high school teachers
sealaska celebration
sealaska institute
shi alaska
shi juneau
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southeast alaska collections
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southeast alaska middle school teaching resources
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southeast alaska native art teaching resources
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southeast alaskan native school resources
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southeast alaskan native teaching resources
southeast alaskan native training resources
southeast alaskan native workshop resources
teaching materials for alaska native languages in elementary schools
teaching materials for alaska native languages in middle schools
teaching materials for alaska native languages in primary schools
teaching materials for alaskan high schools
teaching materials for alaskan middle schools
teaching resources for alaskan elementary schools
teaching resources for alaskan high schools
teaching resources for alaskan middle schools
tlingit and haida celebration
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tlingit art teaching resources
tlingit celebration
tlingit educational resources
tllingit teaching materials for elementary school
tsimshian celebration
tsimshian educational resources
tsimshian teaching materials for elementary school
Alaskan teachers educational resources
Haida art classes
Haida language classes
Haida language curriculum
Haida language school
Tlingit Resources
Tlingit art classes
Tlingit classes
Tlingit cultural programs
Tlingit language curriculum
Tlingit language school
Tsimshian art classes
Tsimshian classes
Tsimshian language classes
Tsimshian language school
alaskan native formline arts
alaskan native settlement teaching materials
ancsa teachers resources
educational materials for alaskan high schools
educational resources for southeast alaskan schools
haida educational resources
haida teaching materials for elementary school
literature resources for alaskan middle schools
shi board
southeast alaska archives for scholars
southeast alaska native art resources
southeast alaska native arts
southeast alaskan educational resources
southeast alaskan native cultural studies
southeast alaskan native hr resources
southeast alaskan native publishing resources
southeast alaskan teachers resources
teaching materials for alaska native languages in high schools
teaching resources for southeast alaskan schools
tlingit art resources
Haida classes
Haida cultural classes
Haida language programs
Haida learning programs
Tlingit education
alaska high school teaching resources
alaskan native claims settlement educational materials
alaskan native claims teaching materials
alaskan native educational resources
educational resources for alaskan high schools
haida language resources
science resources for alaskan middle schools
southeast alaska archives
southeast alaskan native art courses
southeast alaskan native artist resources
southeast alaskan resources
southeast native arts
teaching resources for alaskan schools
tlingit language resources
tlingit language studies
Tlingit and Haida language classes
Tlingit educational classes
Tlingit language classes
Tsimshian cultural programs
Tsimshian education
alaska native languages for middle schools
alaskan middle schools science
educational resources for alaskan schools
learning materials for alaska native languages
southeast alaska archives for universities
southeast alaska iea
tsimshian language resources
Alaskan Education Resources
Tlingit learning classes
alaska teaching resources
alaskan native language resources
southeast alaska archives for schools
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Tsimshian history classes
alaskan language resources
ancsa teachers materials
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Haida learning classes
Tsimshian Resources
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