Global Media Analyst
Competitiveness Analysis & development
For the last couple of decades since my time with the USAID funded The Competitiveness Initiative (2000-03) – I have been actively involved in the development of a broad range of digital (mainly internet/computers and devices-focused) and analog (print, radio, broadcasts, etc.) promotional materials and campaigns around the world… from famed magazines, top tier travel fairs, etc., to hands-on-development of countless websites/seo/sem, marketing videos, brochures, leaflets, etc., for promotional purposes. The development of these materials have always been guided by careful industry/market analysis as well as the social demographic trends (lots of research, etc.) to target specific audiences strategically. Those audiences on a macro-level are often further analyzed to determine if there were overlapping benefits e.g. cross-industries, markets, etc… thus materials often developed and/or altered for different b2c demographics as well as b2b development with their b2c digital/analog supply, value and experience chains/journeys in mind (e.g., tofu, mofu and bofu).